Dating Chats women to Avoid
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Chat dating with somebody? Is
she the right person you have been looking for? Is there anybody
you should be careful about? Is there any particular
characteristic of the woman you are going out which could
complicate your relationship with her?
There are couple of women with particular characteristic you
should consider seriously while dating. Try to avoid these chat
Who is too caring to you, constantly fixing your hair and
tucking in your shirt, you are the victim of a Mother Goose.
Although she may have good intentions and be great in many other
ways, but her motherly instincts will eventually be too much to
tolerate. You may try to change her but if she still can not
resist the urge to stop caring about the details, you need to
consider your relationship.
Who is over-emotional for anything and can cry easily over any
bad happening. Although women are more emotional than men but
you can easily differentiate between the emotional and
over-emotional part. If you find yourself whipping out the box
of tissues on a daily basis (and over trivial matters), it may
be time to bail out.
Who wants, and in fact, insists you to spend every waking moment
with her, refusing to let you go out with the boys or spend any
significant amount of time with anyone else. Any kind of your
suggestion or explanation of her or your need of spending time
with friends will only bring up argument in which you would have
to prove your love for her may be 100 times. Remember, if you
can't have a little independence in your relationship, it's
never going to last.
Who always wants to be the center of everyone's attention, no
matter where or with whom you are. In order to get this
attention, she may use one or many of the following techniques:
Talking excessively or may be too loud, wildly gesturing,
telling unbelievable stories, or wearing extremely provocative
outfits. Will you be able to handle such a stage hog?
Who is interested in everything of yours which is directly
related to your finances. She compliments you on your expensive
watch or car, enquires about the kind car you drive, what you do
for a living, where you live, and so on. Since she is basically
looking for a sugar daddy, she will size you up within the first
five minutes and drop you just as quickly if your cash flow does
not meet her standards. Whatever your financial situation is, do
you really want a woman who only sees men as dollar signs?
Who can discuss about anything that crosses her mind
incessantly, no matter how boring or unimportant a topic is or
what. The worst type of Motor Mouth is the one whose favorite
topic of conversation is herself. If you can manage to listen to
all the details of all the topics at any time of the day, no
matter what, go ahead, otherwise would be a better idea to
consider the relationship.
Who is very expensive to maintain. She has always been treated
like princess by the parents and expects the same from you. Not
only will she constantly keep you busy taking care of her every
need, but her needs and expectations can be quite expensive too.
Although she is not necessarily after your money, but she has
expensive taste, and expects you to shower her with nice and
posh things.
Who can argue almost about everything whether or not the topic has
any sense to it. The more you try to tell her that her sense of
logic is out of whack, the more she will argue. She may also try
to make you feel guilty aout everything you do, even situations
that you have absolutely no control over. If you are in such a relationship
where you are always tense when with her, it defeats the purpose
of having a relationship.
Its not all black and white. There could be women who has more
than one of the above traits but could still turn out to be a
great partner. There could be women who have any of the traits
and can be even worse, but after talking about it, she overcomes
it and could become a wonderful partner.
You should simply watch out for the types of women that take
things to the extreme and make you miserable. And see if there
is any possible chance of improving it. A successful
relationship is one where both the partners understand, respect,
care, appreciate and love each other. That is there is a kind of
satisfaction in your relationship. And if you are unhappy more
often than satisfied in your relationship, it's better to give
serious consideration to it before its too late. |